Saturday, January 23, 2010

WIKI waki wacky

Started a Wiki today.
This was not nearly as easy as the Blog.
Some of my problems may be related to using a different and slower computer (mine died). I added the pages within the site, one for each student group to work on. It was actually like setting up a Jigsaw, which we have done in class before. The main page will be a summary of the short story, and from the short story they will go to their own wiki page for the collaborative composition of the sub topics. I'd like to set up the summary so that blue letters would appear on the subtopic name and automatically take them to sites with information on the subtopic. Haven't figured that out yet.
I did set up the site as "protected" as suggested by Richardson in the text.
I am working on adding a video "Wikis in Plain English" which would be for student viewing.
(This was actually someone else's idea which I am borrowing).
I'm wondering about the directions in the text p67, where it says the students will have to set up accounts, give me their log in names, and to do so they need an email address. What if they do not have an email address?

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